Vanishing American Library

This web story is backed by documentation from many sources.  Many of these can be read in their entirety.  The Vanishing American Library allows the reader to view many of these resources in their entirety.  In most cases, Zane Grey's West Society has created a folder holding several documents.  We do not represent in any way that we own any of the documents. Please click on each of the following titles to access this information.  


The Vanishing American: 1925 Harpers Text

The Vanishing American: 1925 Paramount Silent Film (View entire movie)

The Vanishing American’s Three Endings

Zane Grey’s “Down into the Desert”

Zane Grey’s West Society Articles on The Vanishing American

Loren Grey’s 1981 Foreword to The Vanishing American

Hollywood Addresses Indian Reform: The Vanishing American

The Taddy Tin Murder Investigation

Reverend J.B. Frey Papers

Regarding Missionary John Butler- George Bancroft

Navajo Tribal Council Resolutions Documenting George Bancroft

National Archives: Westbrook Robertson Personnel Files

Federal Indian Boarding School Investigative Report

A Biography of John and Louisa Wetherill

Traders to the Navajo

Vanishing American Library