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  • Tags: art

%22A woman! he cried. %22A girl!... I've killed a girl.%22 1912.png
Illustration by Deur in Harpers and Brothers edition of Riders of the Purple Sage, "A woman! he cried. "A girl!... I've killed a girl." 1912

%22Jane, don't look back!%22 1912.png
Deur illustration "Jane, don't look back!" 1912

%22Lassiter! Roll the stone!%22 she cried 1912.png
Deur illustration "Lassiter! Roll the stone!" she cried 1912.

Venteers and Bess finished their simple meal-then faced the open terrace, to watch and await the approaching storm..png
W. Herbert Dunton illustration "Venters and Bess finished their simple meal-then faced the open terrace, to watch and await the approaching storm."

What on earth is that?.png
W. Herbert Dunton illustration "What on Earth is that?"

When he and Bess rode up out of the hollow the sun was low..png
W. Herbert Dunton illustration "When he and Bess rode up out of the hollow the sun was low."

Grey logo.png
Rendition of Zane Grey by G.M. Farley

FS v16 Feb 1912 VC Forsythe.png
This image first appeared in the January 1912 edition of Field and Stream Magazine and appears at the beginning of this and all subsequent serial stories comprising Riders of the Purple Sage. The illustrator is VC Forsythe.

FS v16 Apr 1912 VC Forsythe %22As though through a yellow veil Jane saw Lassiter press that leader inward.%22.png
VC Forsythe illustration "As though through a yellow veil Jane saw Lassiter press that leader inward", Vol 17 April 1912
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