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  • Tags: Harpers

Dust cover of the 1925 Harpers and Brothers edition of The Vanishing American

Like a flash the blue barrel of. his rifle gleamed level and he shot once-twice..png
Illustration. by W. Herbert Dunton, "Like a flash the blue barrel of his rifle gleamed level and he shot once-twice."

He has brought you far today.png
W. Herbert Dunton illustration entitled "He has brought you far today."

%22Jane, don't look back!%22 1912.png
Deur illustration "Jane, don't look back!" 1912

%22A woman! he cried. %22A girl!... I've killed a girl.%22 1912.png
Illustration by Deur in Harpers and Brothers edition of Riders of the Purple Sage, "A woman! he cried. "A girl!... I've killed a girl." 1912
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