Finding Records About Zane Grey and His Works

Dublin Core


Finding Records About Zane Grey and His Works


The Zane Grey's West Society Archives offer links to selected information about the great Western romance author. While these digital archives are an important resource, there are many public and private archives around the world which house major collections relating to the author. In 2018, the National Park Service, working with the Society, published a brochure entitled "Finding Zane Grey". This important publication directed researchers to many archives including summary descriptions and contact information. Also included were the URLs (links) to access each collections" "finding aids." Zane Grey's West Society is now taking this effort one step further by publishing "Finding Records About Zane Grey and His Works" which allows researchers to view these finding aids online in their entirety.


Zane Grey's West Society


"Finding Zane Grey", National Park Service.


Zane Grey's West Society


Ed Meyer


Zane Grey's West Society, freely released as a public domain resource

Collection Tree